Compare 10 top marketing automation platforms

Marketing automation platforms form the backbone of marketing operations, increasingly serving as sophisticated marketing orchestration platforms. A range of platforms is available to marketers depending on their firm’s size, budget and level of digital marketing sophistication.

The more basic functions of marketing automation have become somewhat commoditized, so platform vendors mostly look to differentiate their platforms based on the ability to scale, as well as usability, ease of implementation and customer experience.

MarTech Today’s “B2B Marketing Automation Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for B2B marketing automation platforms and the considerations involved in implementing this software in your business.

This 44-page report includes profiles of 10 leading B2B marketing automation vendors, capabilities comparisons and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing. If you are valuating marketing automation software platforms, you need to read this report. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download your copy.

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